Parents 9 March
The magic of 'yet'!
Within the simple word lies the power to turn limitations into boundless possibilities. By acknowledging what you haven't mastered 'yet,' you open the door to growth and improvement. Embrace the wisdom in seeking help, collaborate with others, and witness the unfolding of your limitless potential. Cultivate a mindset that thrives on continuous learning and discover the extraordinary power of 'yet'.
Nurturing Young Minds
A Guide to Dan Siegel's Triangle of Wellbeing for Parents
In helping our children learn the skills needed to create a fulfilling and balanced life, developing their mental and emotional wellbeing is crucial. Renowned psychiatrist and neuroscientist, Dr. Dan Siegel, introduces a framework known as the Triangle of Wellbeing, offering parents insight into child brain development and understanding of the interconnected nature of the mind, brain and relationships. As a parent, you can utilise this framework to foster a foundation for their children's mental health.
Parent bookshop
These are our top recommendations for parents from our bookshop.